
distract steadily

You ever get the feeling like you're stuck in a horrible romantic-comedy and you're the one person keeping the two main characters from actually getting it right?

Let me play out an all too common scenario:

Guy and Girl are best friends from way back when. Growing up together and being each other's confidants, helping each other through all the bad and all the good. Somewhere along the line losing touch for just a bit all the while one of the pair harbors serious feelings for the other. Guy gets into rather serious relationship with another bringing emotions of Girl out to the forefront. Of course the other woman is completely wrong for Guy but he doesn't see it. Everyone around him does which makes Girl's feelings escalate. In a desperate attempt at forging ahead Girl attempts to befriend said Wrong Girlfriend thus making the rest of the movie a hysterical comedy of errors. When will these two ever get it right? When will time and fate collide bringing our hero and heroine together FINALLY?!?!

...and then when it seems like all hope is gone... He realizes the one he's looking for is right in front of him. ...which inevitably leads to:

Hag of a horrible girlfriend becomes hag of a horrible ex-girlfriend as Guy and Girl live happily in each others arms. End of Movie.

Countless romance movies use this seemingly perfect formula to make millions of dollars at the box office. The only thing you never get to see is the side of the seemingly horrific girlfriend. The Baxter touched upon this subject all too briefly before becoming yet another romantic chase movies (with an amazing Rufus Wainwright song plugged right at the end... loves it.)

Maybe I've been reading too much Bridget Jones' books or maybe I've caught onto something? Is it possible to realize that you're horrible hag of a girlfriend while also being aware of potential fantastic lover to current boyfriend or am I just going crazy because of an answer to a seemingly harmless how are you?

ack... I'm going back to wallowing in a book and going to sleep too late for my current life and too early for an overactive mind.

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