Lost Minutes:
Recap (7:15pm - 9:00pm)
A: I Love Ben.
J: Yeah, that was good. Did Sawyer say son in the interview?
A: I'm not sure. Did he?
J: Think So. ha.
A: Those Target/Lost commercials are the shit.
J: "There is a smoke monster in all of us" jesus...
A: Ha. I liked the one about this being their longest committed relationship.
J: See the man in black can assume the form of his own body. So it is him.
A: Boo.
A: This Jin/Sun death rehash is making me all teary eye'd.
The Show (9pm - 11:30pm)
J: Crying Yet?
A: Oh lord... tears.
J: Fucking Lapidus.
A: Hahaha... Jack, " It's a surprise."
J: You were fucking right about Juliet.
A: Told you bitch.
J: Smoke monster detector! haha
A: Hey, they entered the magical glowing vagina... Think they'll blow their collective load? Ha cum joke.
J: Always classy.
A: Oh that was a hatch flashback. That last scene...
J: Charlotte cleans up real nice.
J: Its the temple of doom!
A: ...and here Desmond finds the magical clit.
A: My father just said its like the plot of The Mummy...and now that he made the mummy (smokey) mortal, Brendan Fraiser needs to kill him. We're coming up with craziness here.
J:I'm sure it's unbelievably loud.
A: Not so much... only during the commercials and whenever I squeal cry.
A: ...and whenever it looks like Miles is going to die.
J: Crying again aren't u?
A: Holy crap!
J: What the fuck jack!?
A: Oh lord... We all started laughing hysterically. Jn said, "Flying Punch!" and I likened it to watching 24.
A: Why is Jack resisting his flash?
J: So when they die on the island they can finally be free in the flash sideways?
A: Maybe not always... Claire, Hurley, etc.. are still alive.
J: Kate's just gonna go make out with Sawyer on the boat.
A: Jn called her the island whore.
A: That was sad though and Jack is still super fine. That shot where he's all bending down to kiss her was all sorts of hotness.
J: Well Juliet made out with both Jack and Sawyer too but she was a classy doctor, not a low rent cowgirl.
J: "Oh my Jack is that a gaping knife wound or are you just happy to see me?"
J: Man, this episode must be rough for you. Sappy scenes left and right for you to cry to.
A: Nah, I'm too enthralled by hottie island Jack being a badass. Getting knifed, flying punches, kissing bitches...
J: hahaha
A: Too excited about all that jazz.
J: What happens if the rest of them get back home?
A: They get pizza?
A: My father keeps saying about Richard: "Where's he going!? He's 7,000 years old?! What is he going to do?"
J: They didn't get Arzt. He was even in the same school as them.
A: ....uh
J: So they were all dead?
J: Goodnight.
After Finale Decompression (11:30pm - 12:30pm)
R: Really... so they did go with the we're all dead thing... hurmph.
A: Yeah somebody couldn't think of a way to end it.
R: Wow... this seems like a big fuck you to the fans that stayed after season one.
A: ::nonsensical text laughter:: fucking purgatory sideways land. They all dead from the beginning...
R: and it basically just made millions of lost geeks feel bad about wasting 6 years of their lives. haha
A: I think I liked it...
R:I think all it did was remind us how good the first season was... and how we basically all wasted our time with their "island mysteries."
A: Everything up until the whole jack's father thing was pretty good series finale fodder.
R: Yeah... then completely ignoring the outcome of the plane leaving was bullshit. Does eyeliner man get really old on the mainland? Does technology scare him?
A: What the possibility of the plane crash at the end being that plane?
R: and suddenly sneak pathetic I just wanna be special Linus is content being second fiddle to Hurley like a reverse Of Mice and Men?
A: Well he's Richard. He's always wanted to be Richard. I liked it and the more I think about it, the more I like it.
R: So it takes being dead for us to see Sawyer and Miles be a kickass cop duo? Did Mr. Eko die for nothing? WALLLTTT!
A: Mr. Eko died because the actor wanted off of the show. Walt.. well fuck I can't even explain that. We'll have to wait for Mr. Kimmel to see if they give us any more answers.
R: So in death Sayid's one true love is Shannon... not Nadia the one he obsessed about for 5 seasons...
A: Well Nadia wasn't on the plane. lol
R: and Rose and Bernard just conveniently show up, leave, serve as empty plot vehicles while everything else is going on...
A: Yup... haha so much griping....
R: Kimmel... lol... I could watch grown men crying to Lost all day.
A: Seriously fantastic lol.
R: Is Matthew Fox never not crying?
A: So have I told you about massive crush on M.Fox this season? Grey hair. Dear god... I wanted to kill him with sex this season...
R: Only this season? Not bad over the top acting party of five Matt Fox?
A: No no... Those grey hairs did me in.
R: Pssshh... Richard Alpert's grey hair> Fox's weepy hair
A: Nope, Guyliner never wins.
R: Batmanuel... "Suddenly Suuuuusssannnn" .... always
A: Oh man Faraday is there!
R: Farada aka Kid who Pissed Himself Saving Private Ryan aka Spanking the Monkey's I Actually Fucked My Mother.... Jeremy Davies always
A: I heart him.
R: I can't not look at him as the kid who literally fucked his mother in a movie about fucking his mother.
A: Oh and he was in Twister... So he rules.
The End.
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