
defy expectations.

A few nights ago I had a dream. It involved zombies and my friend, Jay. When I began telling people of my freakish dream they all told me that it was way too vivid. So in an effort to capitalize on my vivid imagination I'm going to write it out.

A group of people huddle together in the back of a old basement church. Everything is rose colored due to the stained glass windows that peek into the moonlight. Everyone is exhausted, tense, and ready to either sleep or give up. I'm sitting with my friend, Jay, who at that point is the only one protecting me from the threat that looms right outside. Not too long before becoming sequestered away in the church we had a run in with a nasty group and they took the life of my guy. While being overly emotionally Jay took me and told me he'd protect me as long as we moved.... quickly. Jay, my last hope of survival was giving me this look of relief. We'd made it to a covered area. We might be able to sleep. Just as I began to believe him someone in the group gasped. Heads turned left and right looking for any sign that we were in trouble. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow in the half window and then another and another. The darker the shadows got the louder the moans came. Jay shot me a quick glance and told me to get ready. I popped up and readied my homemade weapon. It was a piece of wood which at one point could've been a leg to a table. Jay was always telling me that once we had a moment to think he'd get me something a bit more useful. His weapon was a modified golf club. The club part was shaped to a sharp point. He destroyed quite of few of those monsters with that thing. A bang at the door made everyone jump into fighting position. My heart was beginning to race as I faded into the crowd. Jay standing at the front told everyone to get ready. And then it began, in one quick move we were all fighting. Weapons were being hurled, thrusted, and maneuvered into and at the enemy. In the midst of fighting I would search for Jay in the madness. The one instruction I chose to follow was given to me by both my dead boyfriend and Jay. They both told me if things got too bad to just go. I shouldn't stay or try to help them rather I should leave and never look back. Things weren't that bad at that point but I always had the initial instinct to run. I ended up cowering in a confessional until someone pulled me out and told me to fight. I was always a bit on the cowardly side. Things were calming down once I was pulled to fight again. Only a few left to get rid of and clean-up had already began. I was pulled into a pew by some of the other ladies in the group. They told me to sit with them until things were calmer. I did because I had nowhere else to go and I couldn't find Jay. When there was no longer a threat of an attack someone in the group called out, "Has anyone been hit? Did anyone get bit?" Everyone was murmuring no's and i'm fine's until one person stood and said," Me." I spun around to see my worst fears realized. The one person in our group hit by this attack was the one person who swore to protect me. Jay was standing at the back of the church and walked forward towards the door and me. I immediately began sobbing. Not only was I left to defend myself but I lost the only friend I had with me at that moment. He meandered over to where I was sitting and handed me his golf club weapon and leaned in to give me a parting hug. Both of us filled with apprehension since we knew at any moment he could turn into one of them. After our awkward goodbye hug was over he looked at the rest of the group, nodded, and walked outside into the infested areas to his ultimate destruction while I was sobbing and being comforted by other group members.

It was at this point in the story where I woke up and said... out loud in a house full of people, "WHAT THE FUCK!?"
I blame my boyfriend, his love of zombie movies, and my fondness toward jay.

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